Car Accident Injuries in Plymouth MA

Keeping Your Body in Balance
You may not feel anything right after the car accident, but numerous studies show most people experience a wave of symptoms a few days later. Your spine is whipped forward and backward during the accident. Bones can slip out of position and inflammation builds up. This process causes tissues to break down, leading to symptoms of pain.
It is vital to visit your Plymouth MA chiropractor, not only because of pain, but because slight changes can wreak havoc on your spine, nerves can be bothered and your overall body balance disturbed.
Signs of Injury in Plymouth MA
Pain or discomfort indicate that your soft tissue has been hurt. A chiropractor can easily determine the severity of the tear and what can be done to minimize pain and speed up the recovery.
Some car accidents can lead to disc bulges or herniation and can cause chronic pain after the accident. Other symptoms you may experience include
- Decrease in range of motion
- Increased stiffness
- Muscle spasm
- Scar tissue buildup
Complimentary Initial Consultations
Injured victims of car accidents are sometimes confused about what to do afterward. Dr. Koenig is an expert in trauma to the body and spine and offers you a no-cost consultation.
We’ll take care of your insurance details and can even work with attorneys to make sure you receive the health care you need. We can also refer you to our extensive network of other health care practitioners if you need further help.
Preparing for Your Visit
Please be sure to bring your health insurance card, car insurance information and a form of identification with you to your appointment. The first visit will take 45 minutes and includes taking a full set of X-rays. We may add massage therapy to your care plan and can send you out for an MRI or physical therapy, if needed. Recovery usually takes 4-8 weeks.
We’re spinal experts and can fully evaluate your condition after an accident. Call our office today to schedule your appointment.
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment
By Appointment
Koenig Family Chiropractic
85 Samoset St
Plymouth, MA 02360